Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's only rock and roll but I like it... and please stop picking on me. You're only 7.

At 26 years-old I have reached a point that I am fairly confident in who I am. Some might object to the who I am that I have chosen but that's really inconsequential to me- hence the confidence. Today that confidence was shaken. I was listening to music before picking up the kids. Since Florida is sunny and warm there are certain albums that fit the mood. Toro y Moi's Causer of This is one of those albums. This album was met with immediate disdain by my young riders.

Kid- "What is this?"
Me- "Well critics call it chillwave. It's kind of one of these new sub-genres that..."
Different Kid- "This is dumb. Play something else."

Maybe try some Black Keys.

Kid- "I don't like this. Play the radio."
Me- "The what?"
Another Kid- "Play 105.5"
Me- "I don't know that one."
Still Another Kid- "It's on the radio."
Me- "Interesting. Maybe we'll listen to that when you drive."

After pretending I don't know how to work the radio I decide I'll play The Beatles. Timeless. I put on Sgt. Peppers. Some might object to this move. What would I play instead? Revolver? White Album? Come on. These kids are 5 to 12 years of age. Clearly these kids want a concise and well crafted pop album that is track for track a phenomenal record.

Literally 10 seconds into the first song.

Kid- "This is dumb."
Me- "This is The Beatles! They are (fill in with generic praise about them changing the face of music and whatnot)."
Different Kid- "Play something good. Play California Gurls"
Me- "Absolutely not."

At this point I am panic stricken. Surely I must have some musical common ground with these kids. I like good music, don't I? I have to have something more engaging than Katy Perry. In a state of panic and frenzy I put on the Stooges. The opening riff of Search and Destroy burst through the speakers and hits each kid in the face like sonic uppercut. How can you not love this song?

Kid- "Oh my gosh. This is worse!"
Me- "That's it. You are just going to have to deal with what I play."

The kids were punished with Group Autogenics I by The Books.

My entire afternoon was thrown off a little by this group of kids' blind hatred of music I enjoy and some I genuinely love. However, after having some separation I have come to the following conclusion.

Best Case Scenario- These are just kids and I am overreacting. Give them a few years and they will discover Zeppelin in high school and everything will start improving from there.

Worst Case Scenario- I'm Otto.

Surely more is happening that is worth reporting.

Br. Mike: "(looking at newspaper) Would you look at that. Must be some kind of new workout craze."

There is no better way to start your day than trying to decide whether to tell a religious brother that he is looking at a headline advertising a pole dancing class.

Monday, September 27, 2010

A glass of water a day, sir. A glass of water a day.

So when I was growing up until now I never remember my Dad ever distributing any sort of medication to myself or my siblings. Usually whenever we were feeling ill or had some kind of problem my Dad would recommend drink more water.

Kid- "Dad I have a headache."
Dad- "You aren't drinking enough water."

Kid- "My vision's blurry. I think I need glasses."
Dad- "Have you tried drinking some water."

Kid- "This stab wound really hurts."
Dad- "Clearly, you're dehydrated."

Kid- "I think I'm pregnant."
Dad- "I knew I should have explained this to you about this earlier, Josh. You don't drink nearly enough water to have a child."

Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm glad they can't fire volunteers.

Today I overcame the temptation of testing the road flares that are kept in the bus and the impulse because I had to look nice for a meeting to say to everyone I work with to " Please stop undressing me with your eyes." Professionalism is difficult.

Why no post yesterday?

So I experienced my first Florida power outage yesterday. Had I been in Charleston at the time it seems liked it would have been an ideal opportunity to throw a party like is done during a hurricane or that one time it snowed. However, in Florida all you can really do is sit on your bed with a flashlight and read comic books because all your senior citizen friends don't drive at night. Why does Florida have power outages and how often do they happen? Let my conversation with Brother Mike answer that.

Josh: So does this happen a lot.
Br. Mike: It hasn't happened for several months but it's common.
Josh: Why does it happen so much?
Br. Mike: Cause Florida is a dumpy state.
Josh: ...
Br. Mike: ...
Josh: ... Fair enough.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Old Friend. No really. It's an old person.

Ever since college I have wanted to have an old guy that just hangs out. My dream was to show up to parties and social events with the old guy and act like his presence is completely natural. I think Florida could make that happen.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Time of your life, Seniors.

Hearing Good Riddance by Green Day when around seniors graduating from high school is cliched but expected.

Hearing Good Riddance by Green Day when surrounded by senior citizens takes on a far darker and depressing tone.

Listen to this song while looking at this picture.

That was my morning. Sorry to bum you out.

To lighten the mood.

Listen to this song while looking at this picture.

Monday, September 20, 2010

New Schedule

Due to the unpopularity of last week's "No Pants Tuesday" Monday is now officially laundry day.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

On Like

Facebook is one way I can kind of keep up with friends and family. The newsfeed informs me of the numerous activities and thoughts of those that are close to me as well as a number of people that might have attended my high school/college that I no longer/never communicate with. Regardless of who posts, Facebook is informative. What it has informed me of lately is that most people don't seem to understand what "Like" means.

"When you forgot to close out your bar tab and you are charged 20% but you at least remembered to get your card back the next day."

"When your bf/gf calls you by their ex's name and you break up with them."

"When you hear a joke by a comedian and it doesn't apply to you but months later something happens and now the joke applies to you and it makes the joke really funny and then you create a group about the joke as if everyone else should also have experienced said joke situation but don't give any credit to the comedian after creating the group."

These are not things people "like." These are events which take place. People like ice cream. They don't like "my pet died when I was little but it still makes me sad."

Now one could make the argument that "like"ing is the manifestation of one's desire to find a connection and be part of a community because we seem to no longer form deep, meaningful relationships and so instead our human interaction becomes based upon a quantity of superficial experiences which is validated by others creating a sense of normalcy and a communal though distant existence.

Another valid claim is that people have embraced the world of postmodernity and are ironically "like"ing these events and I just don't get it. If postmodernism has taught me anything it is simply this- "you don't get it."

The third more likely possibility is please stop it. Go read a book. Listen to music. Paint a picture. Cultivate yourself for some higher, loftier existence. There are so many better ways to express your thoughts/feelings. Nick at Night has changed. Kermit's voice isn't the same. Things are expensive. Interpol's lead singer does want to be Ian Curtis. The economy is awful. Everyone knows this. There is no reason to "like" these things. Please stop.

If you "like"d this you should post it as your facebook status as well as a tweet and get your friends to like it because I am in desperate need of validation. I'm so lonely.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

And another good idea.

Aristotle once said, "At his best, man is the noblest of all animals." While Aristotle was talking about laws or justice or something, I would like to think my newest idea would also inspire such a sentiment.

I call it "Coffee Shower Time."

In the morning I tend to drag and there are two things that wake me up 1) a cup of coffee and 2) a shower. I had plenty of time to do both until recently reacquiring a reason to wake up before noon. Now I am up at 7:15 each morning and don't have time for coffee AND a shower. Thankfully, I'm clever. Cue proof.

No more morning grogginess for this guy. I'm refreshed and ready to address the adventure of the day. Some may naysay but clearly this is a good idea. Look how marketable it is (if capitalism has taught us anything- if it is marketable it is a good idea.)

Are you tired? Having difficulty staying awake for the first few hours of the day until you make it to midday nap? Do energy drinks give you tummy aches and then your stomach makes weird noises when you're sitting in a meeting and everyone hears it but no one says anything and you're embarrassed and it's really uncomfortable but what can you do? You could get more energy by going to bed earlier combined with exercise and a proper diet (lame) OR...


There are a lot of things we could do to improve ourselves but isn't it better just to do what is really easy. Coffee Shower Time. It's something we can all drink to.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Free Time

Most people are probably concerned that after all the hours of volunteering in a small town in Florida I won't have anything to do in my downtime to unwind. Luckily the surrounding area has numerous museums and a boisterous night life. So don't worry about me. I have found several ways to keep myself entertained.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I organized books at Catholic Charities in preparation for the after school program.

The various subjects include Religion, Science, Fiction, Science Fiction, History, Children's Literature, and Pop Culture.

My Favorites books in the library include:

-Marie Curie and Radium
-Who Shot The President? The Death of John F. Kennedy
-Bridget Jones' Diary (apparently an old volunteer thought this was a good book for the older girls)
-Star Wars: What is a Wookie? (the only book in the Sci-fi section)
-Think Again by Doug E. Fresh (yes- this Doug E. Fresh )
-Contemporary Reader (Example of Articles- Billie Holiday, The Nature of Fear, and The Black Death)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bus... Or why I will clearly be irresistible to the opposite sex.

So part of my daily life involves driving a bus for a variety of activities. Bonus: The bus can also be used as my personal means of conveyance when neither of the minivans are available.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I can only assume that I am terribly missed by my friends and family and so I started this blog to help them. Separation often makes us forget the glaring faults of those we love- hopefully this blog will remind those loved ones of mine and help lessen the pain I am certain they feel.