Kid- "What is this?"
Me- "Well critics call it chillwave. It's kind of one of these new sub-genres that..."
Different Kid- "This is dumb. Play something else."
Maybe try some Black Keys.
Kid- "I don't like this. Play the radio."
Me- "The what?"
Another Kid- "Play 105.5"
Me- "I don't know that one."
Still Another Kid- "It's on the radio."
Me- "Interesting. Maybe we'll listen to that when you drive."
After pretending I don't know how to work the radio I decide I'll play The Beatles. Timeless. I put on Sgt. Peppers. Some might object to this move. What would I play instead? Revolver? White Album? Come on. These kids are 5 to 12 years of age. Clearly these kids want a concise and well crafted pop album that is track for track a phenomenal record.
Literally 10 seconds into the first song.
Kid- "This is dumb."
Me- "This is The Beatles! They are (fill in with generic praise about them changing the face of music and whatnot)."
Different Kid- "Play something good. Play California Gurls"
Me- "Absolutely not."
At this point I am panic stricken. Surely I must have some musical common ground with these kids. I like good music, don't I? I have to have something more engaging than Katy Perry. In a state of panic and frenzy I put on the Stooges. The opening riff of Search and Destroy burst through the speakers and hits each kid in the face like sonic uppercut. How can you not love this song?
Kid- "Oh my gosh. This is worse!"
Me- "That's it. You are just going to have to deal with what I play."
The kids were punished with Group Autogenics I by The Books.
My entire afternoon was thrown off a little by this group of kids' blind hatred of music I enjoy and some I genuinely love. However, after having some separation I have come to the following conclusion.
Best Case Scenario- These are just kids and I am overreacting. Give them a few years and they will discover Zeppelin in high school and everything will start improving from there.
Worst Case Scenario- I'm Otto.
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