He finally asked what so many have been so afraid to speak out loud.
Highlight of article
-Either way, he's gotten props from gamers for having the nerve -- and the know-how -- to verbally spar with Blizzard. I might have missed the verbal sparring because it seems the kid pointed out a mistake. This isn't exactly the Lincoln-Douglas debates. This would be like me calling out George Lucas on Han Solo shooting first.
Me- George, remember how Han Solo shot first?
George- No, he didn't.
Me- Yeah he did. Watch the movie.
George- Oh my bad.
(some theorize a conversation similar to this is actually responsible for the re-releases and the "digital enhancements" in the late 90's)
-"Good for him! It probably took a lot to get himself up to that microphone and to speak in a clear voice like that," said commenter Diamond Drogg. And he did all of this while standing?!? Surely he must be some kind of wizard!
-Youtube commenter 7lip agrees. A valid source indeed- the youtube commentators. A collective of individuals known for their intelligent analysis and only slightly blatant sexism, homophobia, and racism.
Other potential titles for the article.
-Man gains respect of thousands of Warcraft fans. Ladies still manage to show restraint.
-Lonely? Not this Lonely.
-Blogger keeps job one more day by posting least historically significant article ever written. Record setting still counts as news.
- Western Civilization continues its dedication to excellence.
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